Artistic residency at the Taller Nacional de Danza de Costa Rica from 20th October to 15th November 2023.
1.Workshop for Flamenco and Ballet students of the Taller Nacional (30th October and 1st November).
2.Workshop Lo Contemporáneo del Flamenco open to the public at the Taller Nacional (6th and 8th November).
3.Activity for the Centro Cultural España consisting of a conference, exhibition and practical activity for the participants on the contemporaneity of flamenco (10th November).
4.Exhibition of Flamenco Futuro at the Taller Nacional (11th November).
5.Workshop at the group Cuerpa Lab (independent group of movement artists from Costa Rica).
6.Participation in different workshops and performances organised by the Encuentro de Coreógrafos Emergentes de Costa Rica, the Taller Nacional and the Compañía Nacional de Danza.
7.Workshop Lo Contemporáneo del Flamenco for the professional company Danza Universitaria (14th November).
Towards the future... to create from contrast, contrast between the traditional and the contemporary.
The aim is to establish a language of its own, leaving aside the academic and the systematisation of repeated motor patterns without analysis or transformation. It is danced as it was, as it was long ago, as it is now and as it will be danced. The rules are respected, broken and the fact of having broken them is criticised.
The only thing that is certain is the movement. Analogies are constructed with new technical means of image representation and motor analysis. The aim is to exalt fusion, novelty and exploration, perhaps rejected by the traditional halo of the orthodox flamenco world, doing so with freedom, avant-garde and self-criticism.